Humble Beginning.

I'm really honoured to have 3 blog followers *update* 4 and counting! and I'm proudly displaying them at the sidebar. I blog on the side and I do have a day job, but I love LOVE LOVEEEEEEEEEE clicking away, poring over tons of other blogs so that I can get inspired and feed my blog so much so that sometimes I do get distracted while I'm at work (I think I have attention-deficit disorder, it just went undiscovered when I was in school!). Anywayz, I observed that I do have regular readers, almost everyday but of course, I can't be sure if its the same people from a particular city/town that are coming back each time. If you could, pls let me know who you are so that I can put a face (if not, a name/website to a city/country) *lol*
- Chicago, Illonois
- Newark, New Jersey
- Singapore
- Plano, Texas
- Brooklyn, NY
Do let me know if there is anything you'd like to see and I'd love to know what you guys are up to.

On a side note, I'm actually dizzy after an overdose of eye-candy at Fleurs. This is from me to you. Hope you like flowers too!

Have a GREAT weekend!



Hi there! I am honored to be on your lovely blog :) and thanks for the compliment!! ~jessy